The Whimsy Bouquet
A fresh flower bouquet in Whimsy's very own style that we are known best for!
If you like non-traditional shapes, textured flowers and depths.
This style of bouquet is for you!
Your first step is selecting a design style:
*If you would like something different you are welcome to add any details in the 'note to florist' or you are welcome to call or email us to discuss a custom bouquet.
White & Green:
Flowers and foliages in whites and green foliages.
This is for the flower lovers that love a classic and simple look. It is also the most popular and suitable for sympathy flowers.
All the pretty flowers! Flowers and colours that are sweet and feminine.
Earthy Inspired:
Flowers and foliages that highlight texture, native and natural look.
Life of the Party:
Fun flowers in the colour, style and flower varieties.
This bouquet will give off a vibrant, bold and unique vibe.
As flowers are seasonal, varieties may vary throughout the year.
"Please trust us florists to select fresh quality flowers that are suited to your order".
- If you prefer specific flowers or a custom order please call to speak to a florist.