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  • A feminine everlasting florist bouquet featuring preserved and dried flowers in pink colour palette. Same day delivery Hobart Tasmania
  • Everlasting florist bouquet featuring preserved and dried flowers in white, raw and nude colours. Same day delivery Hobart Tasmania
  • An earthy everlasting florist bouquet featuring preserved and dried flowers in brown, raw and plum colour palette. Same day delivery Hobart Tasmania
  • A colourful everlasting florist bouquet featuring preserved and dried flowers in white, peach, yellow and nude colour palette. Same day delivery Hobart Tasmania
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Everlasting Bouquet | Trust the Florist

Regular price $85.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $85.00 AUD
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

We do not deliver during the week-end.
As flowers are seasonal, varieites may vary throughout the year. "Please trust us florists to select the highest quality flowers that are suited to your order". If you prefer specific flowers or a custom order please call to speak to a florist. 
- Photos are inspiration only - Please trust us florist to select fresh quality flowers that are suited to your order.
Pink + White:  Soft to mid pinks with white focal flowers
White + Nude: Flowers in whites, nudes and raw tones.
Summer Vibes: Bright and cheerful tones in yellow & orange tones.
Candy: Soft and mid colour tones.
Earthy Inspired: Warmer hues with earthy textures.

General life span 1-3 years.
Depending on the environmental conditions with everlasting flowers there can be no expiry date as they have been dried or preserved. To keep your preserved flowers in good condition: Keep out of direct sunlight, wind and any humidity. Occasionally dust.